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NASC-Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (Biorepository)

University of Nottingham

NASC, Sutton Bonington Campus

University of Nottingham


United Kingdom

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Primary Contact:

Sean May

Last Updated: 12/21/2020

Facility RRID


Facility Details

National and international arabidopsis germplasm resource founded in 1990. From 200 seed stocks held during 1991, we now store over a million genotypes in >800,000 physical stocks servicing a vigorous worldwide Arabidopsis community in more than 50 countries.
NASC sent >50,000 individual stocks per year since 2007, and >100,000 individual stocks per year from 2013-2018 with a maximum (so far) of >180,000 total seed tubes sent in one single year. Stocks are provided under identical cost recovery conditions to academic and commercial researchers. Non-transgenic stocks are sent gratis to K-17 institutions (and in special cases).

Facility Policies

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