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Genomics Core Facility (Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

4505 S. Maryland Parkway

Las Vegas, NV 89154

United States

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Primary Contact:

Casey Hall-Wheeler

Last Updated: 04/20/2023

Facility RRID


Facility Details

The UNLV Genomics Core Facility was established to aid in the development and support of genomics-based research, serving investigators in Nevada and beyond. Staff at the facility can be contracted for select services including ABI 3500 Dx Sanger DNA sequencing, BD FACSCalibur flow cytometry, Affymetrix microarray processing, Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer analysis and Qubit analysis. The facility also provides equipment and training for real-time PCR, Western blot/gel/microarray scanning, and analysis of DNA, RNA and protein samples.

Facility Policies

Services are offerred outside of University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Consulting is offerred outside of University of Nevada, Las Vegas