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CHOP Protein and Proteomics Core

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute

3615 Civic Center Boulevard, ARC/806

Philadelphia, PA 19104

United States of America

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Primary Contact:

Steven Seeholzer

Last Updated: 03/01/2012

Facility Details

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute (CHOP) Protein and Proteomics Core Facility provides a variety of protein and proteomics services for investigators at CHOP, University of Pennsylvania, and outside institutions. These services include producing and characterizing proteins, investigating protein-protein interactions, and characterizing whole proteomes. Some services are provided on a user-operated, sign-up basis, while others are performed as full-service by the dedicated facility personnel.  Protein expression services include recombinant protein production in both bacteria and insect cells.   HPLC and FPLC equipment, columns and resins are available for a variety of purification needs.  Endogenous fluorescence, circular dichroism, analytical ultracentrifugation, and surface plasmon resonance can be used to characterize the folding status of proteins and their interactions with small molecules and other proteins or nucleic acids.  A wide range of proteomics experiments are possible. These include but are not limited to intact mass determination, post-translational modification analysis, protein identification, and targeted (e.g. co-immunoprecipitation) or comprehensive (e.g. protein expression profiling) proteome analysis.  Proteome analysis may employ a number of different isotope-labeling strategies enabling quantitative estimates.  Unique among regional cores is our ability to quantitatively analyze phosphoproteomes at a deep level. Under development are techniques for characterizing lysine acetylomes and glycoproteomes and use of our triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for quantitative peptide and protein analysis. Also, installation of our Orbitrap-Elite mass spectrometer (Dec 2011) with electron transfer dissociation allows us to consider top-down proteomics projects as well. Workflows for all the aforementioned analyses are unique to each project and can involve a range of multi-dimensional separation techniques coupled to the appropriate instrument. 

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