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NUFAB_Cook Cleanroom

Northwestern University

2220 Campus Drive

Cook Hall, 4026

Evanston, IL 60208

United States

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Primary Contact:

Anil Dhote

Last Updated: 11/06/2018

Facility RRID


Facility Details

NU Fabrication (NUFAB) has cleanroom facilities in Cook Hall and the Tech Institute. The Cook facility contain class 100 and 1000 cleanrooms and provides microfabrication and thin film processing capabilities. It is devoted to materials processing, growth, device fabrication, characterization and electronic & photonic  materials. The facility provides microfabrication tools for general use by the Northwestern community, government and industrial researchers. Various techniques are available for the growth, preparation and processing of a wide range of thin film materials including in-process characterization. Training of equipment and assisted use within the facility is available to provide the necessary expertise.
This provides a centralized resource for the deposition of metal, semiconductor & dielectric thin films, photolithography, and processing. Standardmicrofabricationprocesses have been established. Available techniques include plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, e-beam evaporation, atomic layer deposition, reactive ion etching, photolithography, bonding, rapid thermal processing, Hall Effect Measurement and some characterization instrumentation.
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