Beckman Research Institute (BRI)
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope
Established: 1983
Location: Duarte, United States
Beckman Research Institute (BRI)
Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope
Established: 1983
Location: Duarte, United States
Alternate Identifiers
CrossRef Funder ID: 100008307
ISNI: 0000 0004 0389 7968
WikiData: Q4878756
1 Core Facilities:
1 Service Outside the Institution
1 Consult Outside the Institution
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
Imaging (Cell, Molecular, PET, Translational)
405 n mathews ave
M/C 251
Urbana, IL 61801 - United States
A core imaging facility operating out of the University of Illinois. We offer many imaging modalities, including confocal, micro- and nano-CT, electron microscopy, scanned probe microscopy, Raman, and fluorescence. We assist users in preparing and collecting data on various projects.
This facility provides services outside its institution
This facility provides consulting outside its institution