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Newcastle University

Established: 1834

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

GeoNames Map

Alternate Identifiers


CrossRef Funder ID: 501100008406

ISNI: 0000 0001 0462 7212

WikiData: Q837164

2 Core Facilities:

2 Service Outside the Institution

2 Consult Outside the Institution

Data Analysis

Mass Spectrometry



NU Bioimaging UnitRRID:SCR_025354

Contact Info:

Glyn Nelson

Framlington Place

Medical School

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH - United Kingdom

Google Maps Location




Light microscopy core facility at Newcastle University based int he Faculty of Medical Sciences, providing in eternal and external access, training and support for light microscopy.

This facility provides services outside its institution

This facility provides consulting outside its institution

Last updated:


Newcastle University Protein and Proteome Analysis


Data Analysis

Mass Spectrometry



Contact Info:

Andrew Porter

Devonshire Building

Devonshire Terrace

Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU - United Kingdom

Google Maps Location


NUPPA is a facility which supports researchers' protein and proteome analysis needs within and outside of Newcastle University. NUPPA is equipped with four LCMS systems, one MALDI-TOFTOF, an analytical ultracentrifuge, chromatographic and electrophoretic equipment for the separation and characterisation of proteins and peptides and a wide range of software to perform project-bespoke data analysis.
Services Offered

The services we can perform at NUPPA include:

Protein identification through Peptide Mass Fingerprinting or through LCMS analysis
Protein expression analysis (= identification of many proteins) of complex protein mixtures (such as tissue or cell culture lysates, subcellular organelles)
Absolute protein quantification using a variety of internal standards
Relative protein quantification using isobaric labelling methods (such as iTRAQ, Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) or IPTL), stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) or label free comparative proteome analysis.
Protein characterisation (identification of post-translational modifications including site-specific proteolysis, determination of intact protein molecular weight using mass spectrometry or electrophoretic methods)
Analysis of the hydrodynamic volume of proteins or protein complexes (including membrane protein complexes or complexes of glycosylated proteins or interactions of proteins with lipids or nucleic acids)

Many biochemical questions can be addressed with a variety of different experiments. We provide a free consultancy service to researchers at Newcastle University (available also on a consultancy basis to external scientists in the academic or in the commercial sector) to establish the best and the most cost-efficient bespoke experimental approach to solve a particular biological/biomedical/biochemical question. This includes advice on the design of a project at the grant application stage, support of an application as a named investigator and help with the preparation of publications once a project has been completed.

This facility provides services outside its institution

This facility provides consulting outside its institution

Last updated:
