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University of Alaska

Location: United States

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1 Core Facilities:

1 Service Outside the Institution

0 Consult Outside the Institution

Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies

DNA Analysis

DNA Isolation


Real-time qPCR

Sequencing - DNA Sequencing

Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Shared Instrumentation Oversight & Maintenance

UAF-Genomics Core LaboratoryRRID:SCR_021291


DNA Analysis

DNA Isolation


Real-time qPCR

Sequencing - DNA Sequencing

Sequencing - Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Shared Instrumentation Oversight & Maintenance


Genomics / Genome Analysis and Technologies

Contact Info:

Logan Mullen

PO Box 757000

909 N. Koyukuk Dr., 207 West Ridge Research Building

Fairbanks, AK 99775 - United States of America

Google Maps Location




History: The Genomics Core Laboratory was established at the Institute of Arctic Biology in 1995 with a grant from the National Science Foundation (Instrumentation and Instrument Development Program). It is a staffed facility intended to keep UAF at the "cutting edge" of nucleic acid analysis in evolutionary biology, molecular biology, and wildlife and fisheries management. UAF has been the beneficiary of NSF EPSCoR, NIH BRIN (INBRE), and an NIH COBRE grants, parts of which have been designated for genomic instrumentation. Over the last few years the Core Facility has grown from having only one ABI 373 slab gel sequencer to having an Illumina MiSeq and Oxford NanoPore MinION sequencers. The Core Lab maintains several other major pieces of instrumentation and various supporting equipment. See Equipment listing on our website for more information on instruments.

Services: The Core Facility provides nucleic acid sample analysis, and maintenance and support for molecular instruments (some of which may be too expensive for individual labs to own) for both UAF and outside users. The Core Lab facilitates learning by hosting training workshops and seminars for instrumentation and techniques to help students, faculty, and staff learn to use available equipment. The Core Lab also provides tours to middle and high school students/teachers, undergraduate students, graduate students, research staff, faculty candidates, and local or out of state visitors. The Core Lab has also been involved in several undergraduate/graduate classes offered by the Biology Department and the Chemistry Department. See Services and Fees on our website for more information on lab services.

Users and Research: Of all facilities at UAF, the Core Facility may have the broadest interdisciplinary focus, since it attracts users from more than twenty PI labs from seven departments at UAF and UAA, the Alaska Sea Life Center, visiting students and scholars from Sweden, Russia, the Czech Republic, China, Russia, Thailand, Chile and others. See Past and Present Research for more information.

This facility provides services outside its institution

This facility does not consult outside its institution

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