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BC Children's Hospital Foundation

Contact Info:


A4-143,Translational Research Building, BCCHR

938 W 28th Ave

Vancouver, BC V5Z4H4

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BD LSRFortessa X-20 Fortessa Flow Cytometer

BD LSRFortessa cell analyzer offers the ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance, and consistency. Designed to be and expandable, the BD LSRFortessa has the flexibility to support the expanding needs of multicolor flow cytometry assays. The BD LSRFortessa system can be configured with up to 7 lasers*,blue, red, violet, UV and yellow-green. The instrument can accommodate the detection of up to 18 colors simultaneously with a defined set of optical filters that meet or exceed the majority of today's assay requirements. BD FACSDiva software controls the efficient setup, acquisition, and analysis of flow cytometry data from the BD LSRFortessa workstation. The software is common across BD FACS instrument families, including the BD FACSCanto cell analyzer and BD FACSAria cell sorter systems. [Product Link]


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Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer

Flow Cytometer provides performance needed for sensitivity and resolution throughout all configurations. [Product Link]


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Other Equipment

BD FAC A5 Symphony Beckman Coulter MoFlo Cell Sorter

Services Provided:

Cell Sorting

FACS Cell Sorting

Flow Cytometric Analysis

Flow Cytometry Data Analysis

Relevant Publications:


The BCCHR Flow Cytometry Core provides state-of-the-art equipment for flow cytometric analysis, full-service cell sorting, as well as training, and dissemination.