Contact Info:
Denise Ramirez
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Department of Neurology
Dallas, TX 75390-8813
Grants and Identifiers:
Other Equipment
rotorod ladder walk test pole test stereotaxic surgery EEG recording - DSI telemetry based system EEG recording - TDT tethered system
Services Provided:
Relevant Publications:
The Neuro-Models Facility (NMF) was established in 2010 to facilitate scientific research of nervous system function and to enhance the development and testing of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of nervous system disorders. The NMF provides resource capacity typically unavailable or impractical in an individual laboratory. There are three major areas of specialization in the facility: 1. Surgical approaches to model production and assessment. 2. Behavior testing of sensorimotor functions. 3. In vivo electrophysiological recording (EEG, EMG, ERP). Procedures are intended for rodents (mice and rats). New and/or modified procedures can be developed based on client interests.