Adding Equipment

The CoreMarketplace pulls all instrument entries from the USEDit equipment list. This provides a consistant, universal, and citable entry for facility instrumentation. Each instrument is also tagged with an RRID which can be cited in publications. This increases accuracy in publications and ensures your facility and instrumentation gets credit.

  1. Begin by clicking Equipment in the left sidebar of your edit page equipment sidebar label
  2. Enter the instrument name. The autocomplete list populates dynamically from the USEDit database. You can type either brand name or vendor name. equipment entry field
  3. Click the "Add Instrument" button to add the selected instrument to your facility. Saved facility instruments appear at the bottom of this section. equipment saved entries

    While the instrument name remains short on the edit page, the public facing site of your facility entry lists considerably more information including a full description, vendor link, and citable RRID link.

    equipment public entry

Removing Equipment

  1. To remove equipment, click the Remove link at the end of the equipment name.