Assigning Funding
The funding section allows you to connect a grant to your profile. Currently you can only add US NIH and NSF grants to your profile but we're hoping to expand that in the future.
Adding a funding grant
The first step is to enter your grant number and select the grant funder (either NIH or NSF) and then click Submit Query. This searches the appropriate federal database and pulls in the grant information. From there you can review it and ensure that grant does indeed apply to your core before saving it to your profile.
NIH grants can be more complex than NSF grants. Often times an NIH grant has multiple components to it. When this happens, select the component of the grant responsible for funding your facility and/or instrument.

Selecting the sub-component of the grant displays the details. From here review the information. If this part of the grant funds or has funded your facility, go ahead and click Add to Profile. If not, select a different component.

NSF grants tend not to have multiple components so they skip straight to the grant description.
Added grants will appear in the section marked 'Grants Assigned to this Profile' just below.
Removing a grant
If you wish to remove a grant from your profile, expand the grant located under 'Grants Assigned to this Profile' and click the remove button.
Grants, CIDs, and Publications
Adding a grant to your profile automatically adds a citation identifier (CID) to your profile labeled with either the grant number or the grant project number. That CID can be used to search for articles in publications that have cited that grant number (see Managing Publications). However the project number listed by the NIH is sometimes more complex than the project number used in citations (ex: 5P20GM103449-23 vs P20GM103449) so the citation query doesn't quite work.

Its very easy to correct this. Click on the RRIDs and Identifiers section. Locate and remove the CID labeled with the more complicated project number. Add another CID with the project number used in citations. This should produce better results in the PMC query in the Publications section.